The Brackley

This workout is designed to get your little one bouncin' and hoppin' and get all the muscles that your partner loves, poppin'.

Coach at Jeff Snow Fitness and Nutrition

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Perform 4 rounds of:

10 Floor Press

10 Carrier Squat

30 second Plank Hold

10 Biceps Curls

Movement Tips

  • Floor Press - Lay down on your back and plant your feet on the floor so you have a solid base. Hold your baby or toddler around their chest right under their armpits and lay with them chest to chest. Start to press them up until you lock your arms out. Make sure you make a silly face at the top or the rep doesn't count.
  • Carrier Squat - Put your baby in a carrier or if you don't have one or they're too big for it, hold them tightly under their arms and keep them close to your chest. Stand with you feet hip width or just a little more than hip width apart. Brace your belly and start by sticking your bum out a little and bending at the knees. When your upper legs get to be about parallel with the ground, push through your feet and stand up tall.
  • Plank Hold - Lay your baby on their back and get into a low (on your forearms) or high (at the top of a pushup) plank position. Brace your belly and make silly faces and sounds. If you miss the last part, it's a no-rep.
  • Biceps Curls - Hold your baby or toddler under their arms and lower them until your arms are pointed somewhat straight down. Using only your biceps, curl your arms up, lifting the baby up towards you. Stop when your baby's face is almost touching yours and make a silly face. No silly face - no rep.

Dad Tips

  • As dads, our number one priorities are our children and partners and we often give up on things to make sure they're taken care of. However, we can use the advice of flight attendants to become the best man we can be for them - always put your own mask on before helping others. If you don't take care of yourself, you'll never be able to take care of others as effectively as you could. So, find the time to take care of yourself, even if it's only 15 minutes. Aim for 1% better every day.

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