MJ’s Core & Back

As a brand new dad of a two months old baby girl, I found myself picking her up and putting her down constantly and also spending more time on the floor doing tummy time. This set of exercises will help strengthen your lower back and core, giving you the peace of mind as you lean over the crib to scoop her up. As an added bonus, you get to see the world from their ground-level perspective too!

Fit dad and climber


3 rounds of:

10 Back Extensions (tempo)

10 Leg Raises

10 Hip Bridges

10 Hollow Rocks

Movement Tips

  • Back extension - This is best done when you are face to face with the baby as she is doing tummy time. Hold her by the armpit the same way you would lift a baby (not the arms - you don't want to accidentally dislocate their shoulder) and gently lift up her upper body. It will look like they are doing back extension too! 
  • Leg raises, hip bridge, and hollow rocks - Have the baby sit on your lower abs facing you, with her back leaning against your thigh. And yes extra core stability work if they move around a lot! Just make sure they don't fall off.

Dad Tips

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MJ’s Core & Back

Fit dad and climber