Ethan’s Tummy Time

I have a 6 month old son named Ethan. He's my first child and boy is he a handful! Part of being a new dad is that your daily routine changes and this usually means not being able to do personal things when you want to. That's especially true for exercising! I regularly include Ethan in my workouts so that I can spend time with him but at the same time, keep fit!

Founder of This is Why I’m Fit

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While holding your baby, perform 7 rounds of:

7 Russian Twists

7 Flutter Kicks

7 Sit Ups

7 Presses while in a Hollow Hold

Movement Tips

  • Russian Twists - Begin at the top of a sit up and lower your torso until at a 45 degree angle to the ground. This creates a “V” shape between your torso and thighs. Twist torso using your abs left and then to the right. Repeat.
  • Flutter Kicks - Enter into a hollow body position by laying on your back with legs extended and slightly off the ground. Slightly lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the ground by engaging your core. Maintain straight legs and perform small alternating kicks as if you were swimming. 

Dad Tips

  • When your baby does a number two and you have to change diapers, always make sure you have at least 5 wet wipes already pulled out from the packet. Pulling those things out with one hand while the other is holding the baby's feet is next to impossible, and can get very messy!
  • When eating out, never change your baby's diaper near other dining patrons! Always go to a baby change room or somewhere private. This is because number 1s can happen when you least expect it - and before you know it, that person eating a delicious steak next to you will also be served with a side of warm pee pee!

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